Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was pretty busy for our family. James got his hair cut earlier in the afternoon and then once we got home I got ready for Whitnee's baby shower which was at 2. It was fun, she received so much stuff, mostly adorable little girl dresses and outfits. I think she has enough blankets to last until Jade is about 4! After that I came home to find James and Asher both asleep and SNORING! It was pretty cute. I got a picture of it but you can't quite capture the cuteness of them both laying there snoring in a picture. Around 4 James' parents came over to watch Asher for us while we went to a movie. We saw "New in Town", it was cute, a total girl movie...which I love James even more for taking me to. After the movie we came back home, picked up Asher and the 3 of us went to Ninja for dinner. We had a little bit of a wait but it was a lot of fun and I finally got to eat some sushi! Asher loved watching the guy do all of his tricks while he was cooking and he loved the soup! He was such a good boy considering it was way past his bed time by the time we got home. Oh and James bought me some great Valentine's gifts, I got a little teddy bear, flowers and fun bath stuff that smells really wonderful! He is so awesome!!!! I love you hunny, thanks for a great day!

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