Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve with the Wellers

For Christmas Eve we went to our friends house to have dinner with them. It was a lot of fun. We had great food, great conversation and it left us with great memories. After James, Asher and I left we stopped by James' parents house to wish them a merry Christmas Eve and then headed home. Asher was exhausted and went right to sleep (remember he and I had been up since 6 that morning, of course he had naps). With Asher asleep and the rest of the kids at their other parents house that left just James and me so we decided to stick with trandition and watch Christmas Vacation. I have to watch that movie every year. Usually we watch it Thanksgiving weekend to get us in the Christmas spirit but we kept forgetting about it. I didn't make it through the whole movie, I was so tired. But it was a great night and I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in my life. Here are a few pictures:

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