Anyone know who sings this song??? This group was one of my favorites when I was going to school at SDSU waaaaayyyy back in 1996. Overcome is sung by Live. It's not my favorite song by them but the title kind of represents my thoughts this late Friday night as I think back over the week I just went through at school...just glad to have overcome it! Anyway, the song is really awesome. They wrote the song back in 1995, long before 9-11 happen, but the song has become sort of an anthem to some since 9-11. Here is a great video of the song if you feel like listening to it. Overcome on YouTube
School was a nightmare this week. I had a test in Discrete Math and Educational Psychology, along with a PowerPoint game due. The PowerPoint game gave me some trouble when I couldn't figure out how to get some shapes to disappear. I'm sad to say that I did figure out the problem and it was my Mac. Apparently the Mac version of PowerPoint doesn't allow you to put that kind of an animation on a shape, the Windows version does though. Lucky for me I have a Windows machine upstairs that I was able to use to complete the game. I must say, its an awesome game to use for Algebra students and I will be saving to use in my class...what I finally have my own class.
My Discrete Math test was HORRIBLE!!! I don't see the point of Discrete Math. It makes no sense to me as far as its use in the real world. My professor even told us the first day of class that as Math Education Majors we would never use this stuff! Then why do they require I take it????? Any how, hopefully I did well on it, I hope to find out Monday.
My Educational Psychology test was pretty easy, open book and all! Still, you just never know when the professor will throw in a tricky question. Also hoping to find out that I did well on it Monday afternoon.
I took a Trig test a week ago today and found out that I aced the test! Oh yeah! I was one of two people in the class of about 40 that got 100% <~~~~ yes that says 100%!!!!!!! Yeah me!
In other news...Asher now has 13 teeth, yes I said 13! I found 3 new teeth last night. Now he has 7 on the bottom and 6 on the top! The kid has so many teeth he could probably chew steak!
James and his dad are getting a tractor tomorrow. They are both really excited about that. I'll post some pictures this weekend of it once we get it home. Its an old tractor but James is looking forward to fixing it up and making it look new(er).
I talked to Bailey the other day, he seems to be doing well in Indiana. He is getting good grades and went to a dance a couple of weeks ago where he danced with GIRLS!!!! UGH! aren't boys suppose to think girls have cooties at this age?
We haven't heard much from Sabelle this week so she is probably just busy with school, work and Chad. Oh and her new puppy she got a few weeks ago.
Josten is working out everyday. We were looking at pictures of him from a few years ago and its amazing how much weight he has lost and how grown up he looks now. He is still trying to find a job but in the meantime he is getting registered to start SUU in the winter. So glad for that.
Jadeth, Whitnee and Jade are doing awesome, at least they were last weekend when we were up there visiting them.
Jared is busy working and learning all the tricks of the trade. I think he really enjoys learning and working.
Well now you are all caught up with the lives of the Sherratts (and Amo). Stay tuned, you never know what will happen around here tomorrow, or what song I might come up with as a title! :)
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