Sunday, October 25, 2009

Welcome to the jungle...

Being back at school again feels like I'm in a jungle! So the song for this blog is "Welcome to the Jungle" and HERE is the video.

I'm really behind in my blogging so I'm attempting to catch up today.
Back on October 15 I had a teaching assignment in one of my classes. We had partners and we had to give a 10 minute lesson on something...anything interesting. My partner and I decided we wanted to do something fun, and since it was October, we decided to do something related
to Halloween. So we taught our class how to carve a pumpkin. It was fun, the class really liked it and at the end we gave out candy!!!! I thought it would be really funny to see who I could get to clean the pumpkin out, you know, all the nasty stringy stuff inside the pumpkin...well I had NO volunteers, which was disappointing, especially since I had actually already cleaned it out! Here are some pictures of Asher helping me carve the pumpkin we used. He really enjoyed helping :)

So, like I said, school has been crazy. I've gone back and forth between continuing the path I'm currently on, to become a Secondary Math Teacher, or to veer off of it a little bit and do Elementary Education instead. One of the main reasons for this is my Discrete Math Class, and if any of you are friends of mine on Facebook you know what a nightmare this class has been for me so far. I'm completely lost...I don't get it, I don't know what it's purpose is and I certainly KNOW I won't ever use it again. My professor even told us Math Ed majors that we would never teach this stuff, but its a required class so I have to take it. This class is seriously making me doubt my ability to pass all the other math classes I have to take to finish this degree. These classes include 4 Calculus classes!!! YIKES! My other reason for thinking Elementary might be better is because I could finish that degree and be teaching about a year sooner than the Secondary Math. I need to figure it out soon because I have to register for Spring classes next week. I actually think I've made my mind up to do Elementary and if I decide at a later date that I'd rather do Math I'll just come back and finish the few extra classes it would require.

Well that's what's happening in our jungle....whats happening in yours?

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