Thursday, January 17, 2008

This is a first!

Well welcome to our family blog! For those of you who are not family or a very close friend let me give you a little background on this family.

My husband and I met through mutual friends the summer 2003. We were engaged Christmas Eve of 2003 and married March of 2004. When we met James had 4 kids (Jadeth, Josten, Jared & Sabelle) and I had 1 (Bailey). At the time the kids ranged in age from 15 to 5, now they range in age from 20 to 9. Crazy how time flies! We've had our ups and downs through the few years we've been a family but so far they've only made us stronger! We've also moved a few times. We started in Spanish Fork, Utah, then moved to Riverside (Perris), California, now we live in Cedar City (Enoch), Utah. I love it here. It's a small town with great people and beautiful scenery. Currently James is in the construction industry with his own business and I work for a local home builder, all of that could change with the way the economy is going, time will tell.

This picture is, as you can tell, our wedding. The kids look really small then, now they look and act very grown up! Like I said, time flies!

Through the years the kids living with us has changed. When we first got married Jadeth and Bailey were the only ones living with us. Josten moved in when we moved to California and then Jadeth moved back with his mom shortly after that. Jared also lived with us for a while in CA, until we moved back to UT. I can't count how many times Jared had moved back and forth with us! Sabelle lived with us for a year, 2006/2007, but moved back with her mom this past summer. Right now we have Josten, Jared and Bailey living with us. Jadeth lives on his own in Cedar City. He works with James and its awesome to have him close by, he visits whenever we have something good for dinner (HA!). Just kidding Jadeth!

Our biggest news of 2007 was finding out we were expecting another addition to this family. We found out the beginning of August. Surprised and excited, we started to plan for this new addition. We had our first doctor's appointment at 8 weeks along, heard the heartbeat and the excitement began to build. Sadly, when I was suppose to be 10 weeks along (Sept 9th) I miscarried. It was a difficult time for the whole family. But the happiness of adding to our family did not diminish so now we are expecting again. Now, at 17 1/2 weeks along, we are excited for the ultra sound scheduled for January 28th...will it be a boy or a GIRL (pray for a girl!!!) Our due date is June 24th. This picture was taken at 7 1/2 weeks along, we are really excited for new picture!

So that's our family for now. I'm hoping to keep with this blog thing, it seems like a great way to keep everyone updated. I might even have the kids add things to it every once in a while. Feel free to leave us comments!

5 interesting comments:

Rhonda S. said...

Hey Rhonda i am not 40 yet.

Anonymous said...

this is asome bailey amo

from:bailey amo

Anonymous said...

hate to break the news... but I think James gets "happy Father days " cards from all over the county.

Anonymous said...

ha ha! whoever "anonymous" is - they are pretty funny! i think this was a really cute idea! also - i can't wait to find out what you are having!

Anonymous said...

Now that I am out of prison, and I am over the pain, I would like to thank James, I could of never got re baptized with out his help, and "personal guarantee" to the bishop. you really went out on a limp for me and the whole scout troop.