Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More updates!

So back a month ago I attempt to update everyone on our family but I never got finished. I thought I'd save the biggest news for last and then never got the time to write about him! (because he woke up from his nap)

On June 20, 2008 we added Asher James Sherratt to our family. He was born via c-section at 11:22am. He was a big boy, weighing 9 lbs 3 oz and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. I couldn't believe he was that big! His birth was pretty easy, considering it was surgery. I went into the hospital Friday morning and left Sunday afternoon. Recovery was pretty easy. I was a little sore for a few days but within a week I was feeling pretty close to myself again. He is such a sweet little boy. He is growing tons, not even two months old yet and I'm sure he is over 15 lbs already.

He is so adorable! Here are a few pictures of him to prove it!!!

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